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Which Reusable Straw is Right for You?


Last Updated on May 21, 2024

Reusable Straws last a long time and don’t have as big of an impact on the environment as plastic straws do. Making the switch to a reusable straw is easy and eco friendly.

The only option at restaurants and cafes used to be straws that got thrown away after being used once. Nowadays, you can buy sustainable, reusable straws that are environmentally friendly. There are many different kinds of non disposable drinking straws such as metal drinking straws, glass drinking straws, silicone straws, and bamboo straws. We will dive into the details of each kind so you can choose the right reusable drinking straw for you.

glass filled with reusable straws

Have you seen the news?? Lots of places are jumping on the “No Straw” train, and it’s pretty exciting! 

It’s exciting to see something that you’ve been working to raise awareness on become a national topic! There are several things I hope will come to fruition with this in the spotlight. If you’re not converted yet, keep these in mind:

1. it’s about more than reusable straws: 

My first hope is that we will see straws as a gateway into a larger conversation. For me, this has never been about the straw. It’s always been about the bigger picture. In order for people to connect with a cause, it must become personal. 

Straws are something that most of us interact with on a daily basis. It’s an inexpensive change often costing nothing. It’s an easy swap that doesn’t require anyone to go out of their way other than to say a few words, “No straw, please.”

I hope we can continue this momentum into a more meaningful conversation about single-use plastic, overconsumption, and the misuse of resources. The surprising harm that something as small as a straw can do is just the beginning.

2. check your kindness:

My second hope is that we will be kinder. I hope that we will learn to listen. I am personally for a straw-on-request policy. It’s one I’ve proposed in my own town. 

Straws serve a vital purpose for those who need them, and they should be available! 

Your job is not to criticize someone who says they need a straw. It is to listen to them. 

It’s like if someone hurts your feelings, and you say, “You hurt my feelings!” And, they say, “No, I didn’t.” The other person can’t tell you how you feel. Does that make sense? 

You don’t get to tell other people how to feel or how to react. You have to trust that they know their bodies better than you. 

What you can do, is listen. 

We all need to work together to find solutions. Besides, a few plastic straws reserved for helping people in need is something I think we can all get behind! 

This is why this movement has to be about more than straws. I’m sure we can all agree that straws are only one small piece of the puzzle. So, let’s keep pushing! 

Dish towel with a metal, bamboo, and glass drinking straw laid out on it

reusable straw movement

If you don’t need a straw to drink you can always ask for “No Straw,” with your drink order! 

It’s a really simple and free way to reduce your waste! 

Of course, there are a number of reusable drinking straws available, and I break down the pros and cons of each one below based on a number of different factors: 

  • mouthfeel
  • cleanliness
  • taste
  • durability
  • hot and cold conductivity

But if you need a little extra help, I have also created a fun quiz that will analyze every part of your personality to pick the exact, perfect straw for you! 

Let me know what type of straw you are in the comment section down below.

Glass cup with various kinds of non disposable drinking straws in it

Which Non Disposable Drinking Straws Are You? 


glass drinking straws:

It’s no secret that glass drinking straws are my personal favorite. These are the glass straws that I own! 

  • Mouthfeel: Glass drinking straws are really smooth — similar to sipping from the rim of a glass cup.
  • Cleanliness: With glass straws, you can really *SEE* the clean. You don’t have to wonder if there’s any residue hiding in the straw.
  • Taste: There is no taste imparted with glass straws.
  • Durability: They’re surprisingly durable for being glass. I’ve dropped mine on numerous occasions and have yet to have a problem!
  • Conductivity: Glass is a good conductor of hot and cold liquids, but it maintains a similar temperature to the vessel you’re drinking out of. I often drink hot lemon water with glass straws so the lemon juice isn’t hitting the front enamel of my teeth and I haven’t experienced any issues.
cup with glass straws

metal drinking straws:

I like my stainless straws. I have a whole bunch so I’m always ready for a smoothie party. My favorite stainless straws are my boba straws

  • Mouth Feel: Stainless steel straws are also very smooth, but I don’t like dinging them against my teeth.
  • Cleanliness: I can never quite tell if I’ve scrubbed my metal straws enough. I always look through the straw to see if I can see any raised residue.
  • Taste: You can occasionally get a metallic taste with your drinks when using stainless steel straws. I’ve found the best way to avoid that is to wash them several times before using them — and that it does fade over time.
  • Durability: Stainless steel straws will probably outlive us both.
  • Conductivity: Stainless steel straws are an extremely good conductor of hot and cold liquids. I once made the mistake of drinking my hot lemon water with a stainless straw. It was hot!
Glass cup with a metal drinking straw in it.

bamboo straws:

  • Mouth Feel: Bamboo straws feel a little chalky. They have a little bit of a texture to them that takes a little bit to get used to.
  • Cleanliness: These are by far the most difficult straws to clean. Since they’re bamboo reeds, they often vary in size so you can’t always get a scrub brush to fit or be able to see through the straw to look for spots.
  • Taste: Bamboo straws definitely impart a tropical taste to your drinks. I like to use them when I want to pretend I’m on vacation.
  • Durability: They’re not breakable, but they’re probably not the longest lasting option. I’ve had bamboo break on me before (not a straw, just other products like a pot scrubber). After consistent use and being damp, it just broke. I’m sure the straws would probably suffer a similar fate.
  • Conductivity: The wood doesn’t really change temperatures.
Glass cup with a bamboo straw in it.

silicone straws: 

I have used silicone topped stainless straws, never a full silicone straw. 

  • Mouth Feel: It’s kinda rubbery, squishy, and feels like a soft plastic.
  • Cleanliness: It fits most straw scrub brushes.
  • Taste: Silicone doesn’t really taste like much.
  • Durability: Silicone is a really long lasting material.
  • Conductivity: Silicone is known for its hot to cold properties. It shouldn’t be an issue!

faqs about reusable straws

how do you clean reusable straws?

Cleaning reusable drinking straws is actually fairly simple. First, soak the straw in hot water with an eco friendly soap. Let the straws sit for a few minutes. Use a straw cleaning brush to clean the inside, give it a quick rinse, and let it air dry. It takes a few minutes, but it’s certainly not difficult.

do reusable straws actually make a difference?

Yes, it does make a difference! It is estimated that we use 500 million disposable straws EVERY DAY! Guess where those straws end up…landfills and in the ocean. Marine life can get very sick from plastic straws, and they negatively impact our environment. So even though it seems like using a reusable straw wouldn’t matter, it does!

how much waste can one reusable straw really reduce?

Non disposable drinking straws can replace 540 disposable straws each, every single year. So if you had one solid straw and used it consistently for 5 years, you by yourself would keep almost 6500 straws out of landfills and oceans. Imagine if everyone had a non disposable drinking straw they always used?! Small changes really can stack up!

are reusable straws hygienic though?

Yes, as long as you wash them as you would with any other utensil that comes into contact with food every day. If you’re concerned about sanitation or contamination, I recommend glass drinking straws because you can actually see what’s going on inside them, including build up or unsightly yuckiness.

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  1. I’ve had silicone straws for ages mostly because my partner likes to use straws. He has liked them and they are nicely coloured. I rarely use a straw so I just like that we have a more sustainable option in our house rather than a disposable one 🙂


  2. It said I am a glass straw and that totally matches my favorite straws! I love that I can see how clean they are! I also use a stainless steel straw and with a silicone mouth piece. It is great for travel!

  3. I’m a stainless steel straw ? now I know!
    I’m so glad and relieved you addressed #2. Thank you. I see people wanting to ban straws telling people with disabilities about all the alternatives, about how easy it is to just bring your own, etc. as if they don’t know their own needs and haven’t done the research themselves. To be truly sustainable we have to bring everyone along with us.

  4. I have a collection of silicone and stainless steel straws but I always find myself grabbing the stainless because they of course, retain their shape, and I can easily slide one into my purse. Took the quiz and got stainless! Yay! Now to find one of the big boba ones you mention because my only gripe with them is they are narrower than glass, bamboo, and silicone. Thank you for all the research!

  5. Hi! I really apperciate your post. I would like to take your mini-quiz in the middle but the background is too dark to read.

  6. Hi! This is not related to straws (I have and love stainless steel), but actually laundry detergent. Have you heard of Dropps, and if so, what are your thoughts? It seems like a great solution from what I’ve seen so far.

  7. We should start using eco straw for us to save the environment. We have seen marine animals get poison by these plastic straws. We can’t deny the fact that we are responsible for the destruction of the aquatic homes. I believe that using paper straws or ecostraws can help save our environment and converse our marine aquatic resources. For example,, these products are eco-friendly and made from papers.

  8. I have to be honest, I thought the metal straws were the coolest reusable straw option until I read that story about the person who died from them. Now I will just stick with the paper ones! Glad that more and more people are on board with transitioning away from plastic though and that is what matters most!

  9. Anything that is reusable is fantastic.
    Your article is much more informative than i expect.
    Thank you for posting this article. It helps me a lot.
    Let’s hope for the best.

  10. For the quiz I got silicone straws. I have a few of them already for my husband and I a couple of them even came with a tin for travel. I haven’t tried it yet but I did read that you can boil them to sanitize so another cool thing about the silicone straws.