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50 Positive Daily Affirmations to Start the Morning

Sustainable Wellness

Last Updated on November 6, 2023

Daily affirmations are a great way to start your morning! They boost confidence and self esteem as well as improve the quality of your day. By starting each day off on a positive note, your brain becomes wired to look for the good in things, which leads to an overall more positive life experience.

If you watch a lot of news stories, it’s easy to feel hopeless about everything. Employing positive affirmations for the day can help combat the negativity on a personal and wider scale. An affirmation of the day can do so much to set the tone for positive change, because larger change begins with us! I’m sharing 50 daily affirmations to inspire positivity and growth in your sphere.

Photo of a fishing dock with overlay text reading "50 positive affirmations to begin your day with"

positive affirmations for the day

I’m a climate optimist, so I’m a big believer in starting the day off on a positive note. A morning affirmation every day can help you find a little more encouragement to take on the day ahead. 

While I agree there is such a thing as toxic positivity, I also think there’s value in finding joy in life. I also tend to notice it’s very hard to feel motivated to create social and environmental change when you’re feeling down and upset. After all, both Mikaela Loach and Leah Thomas continue to affirm that joy fuels positive activism.

Constantly being bombarded with hard to hear news about droughts, floods, forest fires, and social inequities can truly eat away at you. It can cause you to give in to climate doomism — where you believe we’re past the point of being able to do anything about climate change. But it’s not too late.

This coupled with personal issues and feelings, like depression and anxiety, don’t make for a good combination. Whatever you’re struggling with, I hope that these morning affirmation quotes will give you the pick me up you need.  

Let these positive affirmations for the day facilitate healing and kindness to yourself. You can pick and choose which you’d like to say to yourself, or say the whole thing.  

Use these morning affirmations for positive energy to start your day, and feel free to adjust them any way you see fit. You can write them in your journal, or just bookmark this page and come back to it whenever you need it. 

photo of a small child looking at a wall mural that says "believe in yourself" in a post about morning affirmation.

how do I start daily affirmations? 

Begin by setting aside some time for yourself, even if it’s just 5 minutes in the morning. Bookmarking this post will help you have a clear reference of potential morning affirmations. 

Next, just speak the affirmations out loud. You can choose 5-10 you really like, and repeat them as many times as you need. I suggest choosing ones that resonate most with you, or ones that will better help you tackle the tasks at hand for the day.  

If you’d like, you could even choose to say all the affirmations on this list in one go. It’s truly up to you, and there’s no wrong way to approach this. 

The idea is to meditate on the words, really feel their weight, and manifest what it is they’re saying. It helps set an intention for the day, giving you added confidence and peace of mind.   

is it better to write or say your morning affirmation? 

Most people say affirmations out loud, as this is typically easier. However, you can feel free to write down a few of your favorite affirmations if it helps you better remember them. You can read them aloud as you go. 

If you prefer to write your affirmation of the day, you can grab a notebook of your choice and practice writing a few of your favorite affirmations from this list 5-10 times each. Say them in your head as you do and take the time to think about their meaning, letting yourself feel it.  

Photo of a bike by a street sign that reads "follow that dream" in a post about the importance of a daily affirmation of the day

50 morning affirmations to start the day

Here are some fantastic morning affirmations that help set the tone for the day. They can empower you but also remind you that you’re human and allowed to make mistakes.  

Feel free to select a few of these affirmations to use on the daily as your own. Or, use them as inspiration to create your own affirmations that fit your life.  

  1. I am enough. 
  1. I deserve to hold space. 
  1. Without a doubt, I am worthy of love.  
  1. Open your heart to endless possibilities. 
  1. I can do anything I set my mind to. 

“My time and input are valuable.”

  1. I’m listening to what the universe has to tell me today. 
  1. Today is a good day to have a good day. 
  1. I’m at peace with myself. 
  1. I’m my own best friend. 
  1. I don’t need anyone’s permission to be myself. 

“Saying no is an act of self-preservation.”

  1. The perfect moment you’re looking for is right here and now – because you exist in it. 
  1. Never give up on yourself. 
  1. I can make my dreams a reality. 
  1. Toxic people have no place in my life. 
  1. I am grateful for everything life gives me. 
  1. I learn from life’s lessons.  

 “Every day is precious.”

  1. There is magic in the mundane. 
  1. Have courage to be kind. 
  1. Don’t let others steal your light. 
  1. I allow myself to flourish and be happy. 
  2. Everything I need is within me. 

“Chase the waterfalls of life but appreciate the lakes and rivers too.” 

  1. Follow your own path. 
  1. I nourish myself with good healthy food and kind words. 
  1. I allow myself to make mistakes and learn from them. 
  1. Stick with things that make you feel alive. 
  1. Embrace imperfection — it makes you human. 
  1. Take time to grow and learn. 

“Root for yourself and others around you.”

  1. Free your body from your mind’s limitations. 
  1. Treat others as you want to be treated. 
  1. Embrace the unknown and excite in a new day. 
  1. Stop letting your bad habits control you. 
  1. Plant new seeds of hope for tomorrow. 

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

  1. I am open to new experiences, perspectives, and ideas. 
  1. My feelings are valid and deserve to be felt. 
  1. Learn to let go of all that doesn’t serve me. 
  1. Evolving and adapting is part of my journey. 
  1. Live for joy, don’t live for work. 
  1. My needs, wants, and desires deserve recognition. 

“Leave room for error and be gentle with yourself.”

  1. Stop comparing yourself to others and start living. 
  1. Your best is enough. 
  1. I give myself time to relax, recharge and rejuvenate. 
  1. My productivity does not determine my value. 
  1. I am brave and ready to face the day. 


is there science behind an affirmation of the day?

There is, actually! Psychologists have delved into the concept, and many therapists recommend daily affirmations to their clients to improve their mental well-being. This makes it more than just a buzzword or popular self-help book topic.

what if i forget my morning affirmations?

Don’t sweat it! Just like any new habit, you’re bound to miss a day or two, and that’s okay. If you remember them at 5pm, just do them at that time. If you forget until the next morning, just start fresh. Better late than never, as they say!

What are your favorite positive morning affirmations? Let me know in the comments! 

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