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How to Make a DIY Compost Bin


Last Updated on November 26, 2024

Limiting waste, enriching soil, and helping the environment are just a few reasons I decided to build a DIY compost bin! Composting has always been a passion of mine, and I knew it was time to stop sending food scraps to the landfill and start putting them to good use.  

This compost bin DIY project is budget friendly, enriches your soil, and is surprisingly easy to make with just a few materials. Compost can nourish potted plants, gardens, trees, and flowers while reducing household waste. Keep reading for a step-by-step guide to building a compost bin, what you can add to it, and helpful tips to speed up the decomposition process.

titled image (and shown): how to build a compost bin

reasons to make a diy compost bin:

If I could shout one thing from the rooftops and have everyone listen I would scream, “FOOD SCRAPS DO NOT BREAK DOWN IN LANDFILLS!”

Organic waste like food scraps, paper, and wood can’t decompose properly in landfills because they’re designed for storage, not decomposition. Without oxygen, essential for the process, these materials get stuck, releasing methane — a greenhouse gas 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide. 

In fact, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that landfills contribute to between 14% and 16% of all methane emissions in the U.S. 

Food waste alone is a major culprit, and if it were a country, it would be the third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases behind China and the U.S.⁠

So if you want to make a real impact and reduce up to 50% of your household waste, composting is a powerful, easy solution!  

storing your compost bin diy

I’ve written two blog posts to help you get started with composting. A composting guide for apartments, perfect even if you don’t have a balcony, and a guide to backyard composting. Both posts cover essential tips for maintaining your compost and selecting the best compost bin to suit your needs.

The DIY compost bin I’m building is designed for outdoor spaces like porches or balconies. However, you can bring it indoors by adding worms, which are optional but highly effective in speeding up the decomposition process.

holding soil in hands over diy compost bin

what you’ll need when making a compost bin:

  • plastic storage bin with a lid
  • drill
  • shredded paper and dried leaves
  • soil
  • food scraps
  • cardboard cover
  • worms (optional)
woman holding scrap foods ready to add to compost diy bin

how to build a compost diy bin

step 1: create some airflow

When making a compost bin, the first step is to create airflow. Oxygen is essential for food scraps to break down properly, so let’s make sure some sweet, sweet air can flow in and out.

Start by drilling 10-12 evenly spaced holes in the bottom of your bin. Next, drill 10-12 more holes near the top on all four sides to allow air to circulate effectively.

Using a drill makes this step quick and easy. If you don’t have one, no worries! A hammer and screwdriver work just as well — I’ve used this method myself.

titled image (and shown): how to build a compost bin for less than

step 2: add a base

Now it’s time to set the stage for your DIY compost! Start by adding 1-2 inches of dried leaves, shredded paper, or shredded cardboard to the bottom of your bin.

Pro tip: This is an excellent way to dispose of sensitive documents! Loose shredded paper isn’t recyclable in curbside bins, so why send it to the landfill when you can transform it into nutrient-rich soil instead?

Related: How to Recycle Paper – The Right Way!

woman holding a plate of scraps ready to be added to the diy compost bin

step 3: add soil

After layering in your paper mixture, it’s time to add some soil to your compost bin DIY project. I used regular potting soil, but anything you’ve got on hand should work just fine!

Pour 1-2 inches of soil into your bin to kickstart the decomposition process. When adding food scraps, coat and nestle them into the soil to speed up decay — it’s an easy way to boost the process.

stirring diy compost

step 4: just add food!

Time to add food scraps to your DIY compost bin! I like to store scraps in the freezer and transfer them to the bin every few days.

Avoid adding meat, bones, dairy, processed sugars, refined grains, and oil. For best results, stick to raw fruit and vegetable scraps.

For a complete list of what works (and what doesn’t) in backyard composting, check out my blog post: The Ultimate Guide to Composting.

titled image (and shown): diy cheap & easy compost bin

step 5: add worms

Get some red wrigglers! Adding worms is completely optional, but they’ll definitely speed up the process and make your compost DIY bin even more efficient.

If you are adding worms, keep your bin in a temperate environment. Worms thrive in mild temperatures between 40F and 80F. Honestly, same — I’d choose those temps any day!

empty compost diy bin

step 6: simple maintenance

With your DIY compost bin all set up, it’s time for a little upkeep! A balanced mix of food scraps and paper — about 50/50 — is key for successful composting.

Each week, water your compost pile and give it a good mix. I like to use an old spatula to toss the scraps around, ensuring everything stays well-combined and decomposes evenly.

adding soil to compost bin

step 7: use your creation

Once your food scraps break down, you’ll have nutrient-rich compost ready to use! Add it to your houseplants, garden beds, or even outdoor trees.

No plants or garden? No worries! Share your compost on Craigslist, Freecycle, the Bunz app, or a Buy Nothing group — it’ll get snapped up QUICK!

If you’re interested in building a compost bin or need more tips, be sure to check out my blog post How to Compost in an Apartment.

compost bin diy faqs

what can i use to make a compost diy bin?

Scraps from fruits and vegetables, coffee grounds, straw, leaves, pizza boxes, dryer lint and shredded paper are a few good options. Additionally, you can toss in newspapers, grass clippings, straw, and even leftover sawdust as long as the wood hasn’t been treated.

should compost be watered?

Making sure there is enough water is key to ensuring your homemade compost bin can thrive and decompose properly. Adding fruits and vegetables is an important key to keeping enough moisture in the compost bin. When you touch the compost, it should be damp, not too dry or wet.

To test the water content of the compost pile, grab a handful and give it a squeeze. If a few drops of water come out, the moisture is just right. If it’s dry, add a little water and mix well. If too much water squeezes out, the pile is too wet. Add soil or materials like straw to absorb the excess moisture.

how long does it take for compost to be ready?

Compost will typically be ready in about 6 to 8 weeks when properly watered and turned. Regularly stirring your compost and keeping it moist accelerates the decomposition process. Without this maintenance, though, it could take several months for your DIY compost bin to fully break down.  

what are the signs that my compost is ready?

Your compost is ready to use when it has a fresh, earthy smell and resembles dark, rich soil. It should no longer have the appearance or smell of rotting fruits and vegetables. If it does, it needs more time to fully decompose.  

what should I do if my compost smells bad?

Your compost should have a fresh, earthy smell, similar to damp soil. Composting involves decomposition, which is different from rotting. Rotting occurs when there’s a lack of oxygen in your compost pile. To fix this, simply turn the pile with a pitchfork and mix in more dry leaves to improve airflow.  


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  1. You really need something to catch the liquid that will come out the bottom (known as worm tea if you are using worms), it can be really smelly (great for watering houseplants). Also you don’t need to water unless it is really dry. If you have lots of veg scraps it shouldn’t be too dry indoors (outdoors the sun and wind dries it faster). Avoid too much citrus, they can really mess it up. If you do add them, chop them really fine so you don’t end up with slimey lumps.