We only have one earth but overall, we’re living as though we have 1.7 earths. We need to start living within our means and move the date Earth Overshoot Day happens to the end of the year if we want a thriving planet.
1 - Join the Movement The Earth Overshoot Day website has a section where you vow to become a Date Mover. 2 - Take on Food Waste If we cut food waste in half worldwide, we could move earth’s overshoot day by 11 days.
3 - Travel with Eco-Sensibility Consider vacationing closer to home to cut down on carbon emissions, or looking into eco-tourism. 4 - Go Plant-Based If the world reduced meat consumption by 50% and got most of their calories from plants, we would move overshoot day 17 days!
5 - Commute Carbon Free We should build on this momentum by walking, biking and using public transportation more. 6 - Challenge City Leaders How we plan and develop our cities matter and it’s important to tell your city leader(s) you care about sustainability.