Sustainable Habits

for the New Year

What comes with a new year other than resolutions or intentions for the next year? Maybe we want to tackle learning a new skill, create new hobbies, dive into a healthier way of living, adopt new (or reignite a few old) sustainable habits that are not only good for us but the environment.

take vitamins

B12Blood Builder Iron SupplementOne Daily MultivitaminProbiotic

Get Active for a Little  Bit Every Day

Get into the routine by starting really small! Even if it's just walking your dog daily or a mini-dance party for one, it's important to move your body every day.

Yellow Wavy Line

Meal prepping really sets you up for success. It allows you to get low waste, plant-based meals on the table incredibly fast.  Because while taking supplements and vitamins is wonderful, they aren’t a substitute for whole nutrition.

Meal Prep

Yellow Wavy Line

If you feel like you’ve mastered a lot of the personal and individual changes, I’d highly recommend you start looking into your own local government. You can be part of transitioning your community into a more sustainable one.

Be Active in Local Politics

Yellow Wavy Line

Become a member of your local co-op and support local farmers

Buying from local farms in the form of a CSA makes farming less risky because it enables farmers to plan and have steady, guaranteed sales and in return gets you super high quality, super fresh produce and you get to support your community!

Join the Community