It’s July, and if you’re into eco-friendly living, you know what that means… it’s time for Plastic Free July! The goal of PFJ is to avoid disposable products, specifically single use plastics, in the month of July. Here are a few simple swaps.
You can pick one disposable to avoid like single-use plastic straws or you can try and avoid the big four which are grocery bags, plastic straws, to-go coffee cups, and plastic water bottles. Or you can go all in and avoid ALL single-use plastics for the whole month of July.
Every day, in the United States, 50 million plastic bottles are landfilled. Talk about a lot of waste! Did you know plastic only has a 9 percent recycle rate? A simple thing you can do is to bring your own water bottle. The LARQ Bottle is a COOL option!
Most of the paper cups you receive at coffee shops are actually lined with plastic which means they’re NOT recyclable in most facilities in the United States. You can bring your own thermos to the coffee shop, ask for a mug to stay or even use a mason jar.
Most tea bags are made from plastic. A new study found that the bags can release BILLIONS of plastic particles into your cup. One of the best ways to avoid your tea being steeped with a side of polypropylene is to simply sip loose leaf tea!
Plastic straws are basically impossible to recycle because almost no curbside program accepts them. They’re simply too small and can clog machinery. Net Zero Co makes super cute reusable straws that attach to your key ring.
— Use a bamboo toothbrush — Use plastic-free floss — Reusable cotton swabs — Switch to bar soaps — Switch to laundry detergent strips to eliminate plastic bottles. — Use zero waste hand sanitizer — Use reusable wrapping paper