Which is Better For The Environment?

Glass or Plastic?

Plastic tends to get a really bad rep from environmentalists as only 9 percent of it is recycled.  That said, there’s so much more to think about in terms of what goes into manufacturing and recycling both glass and plastic, not to mention its afterlife.


Problems with glass

Glass needs sand Taking sand out of the natural environment also disrupts the ecosystem, considering microorganisms live on it which feed the base of the food chain. Most glass isn’t actually recycled. In fact, only 33 percent of waste glass is recycled

Raw Materials:

Glass is made from all-natural resources, such as sand, soda ash, limestone and recycled glass. Glass takes million years to decompose in the environment, perhaps even more in a landfill. You’re probably better off holding onto glass and repurposing it before you toss it into the recycling bin.

End of Life:


Problems with plastic

Most plastic are petroleum-based, thus making the materials non-renewable and unsustainable to harvest. Most glass isn’t actually recycled. Only 9 percent of plastic is actually recycled. When it is recycled, plastic can only be downcycled, meaning it becomes an item of lesser quality.

Raw Materials:

First, oil and natural gas are the major raw materials used to manufacture plastics. Producing plastic bottles each year releases more greenhouse gas emissions than over a million cars on the road. If you compare that to how long glass takes to disintegrate, you might think it’s a better outcome. However more toxic chemicals are involved with plastic.

End of Life:

The Breakdown:

Glass and plastic both have their pros and cons. The best thing we can do is reduce our reliance on anything single-use! If you use it once and then place it in the recycling bin, try to find another solution.

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