You Should Know Before Going Zero Waste

Zero waste living has become quite popular over the last few years, and I wanted to write an article about the 8 things you should know before  going zero waste. Everything I wish I had known when I started!

What You Need To Know About Going Zero Waste

I specifically started my platform to show that going zero waste doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing. You don’t have to fit all your trash in a mason jar, and you don’t have to do things the exact same way as anyone else! You need to find what works for you.

you don’t have to fit your trash in a mason jar

This small mason jar holding years of trash often symbolizes the zero waste movement. It’s impossible to reduce your trash down to zero. Zero waste living is a mindset shift. It’s not about eliminating all of your trash no matter what anyone tries to tell you.

Yellow Wavy Line

Living a more eco-friendly life is about creating a sustainable, life-long practice. Start slow, make a few changes at a time. Once they stick, it will be easier and easier to pick up and add on new habits. I like to recommend everyone start with a trash audit.

you won’t go zero waste overnight

Yellow Wavy Line

don’t throw out all your stuff

A lot of people think living a more eco-friendly life means having to buy a bunch of new fancy eco-friendly products. The most eco-friendly thing I can do is to continue using what I have until it breaks and then I replace it with more   eco-friendly options.

Yellow Wavy Line

don’t be too hard on yourself

Individual action is really important, but we also need sustainable business and policy change. I see individual action as a means to an end, not the end. We need millions of people taking small, daily actions.

Yellow Wavy Line

— A few people will treat you differently, but they will adjust. — Things won’t go your way 100% of the time and that's OK. — Be open to change and learning new things. — You will get overwhelmed.

More things you should know

Yellow Wavy Line

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