5 tips for a

Zero Waste Party

When living a zero waste lifestyle, entertaining a lot of people gets more challenging! So, I wanted to break down my five favorite tips for throwing a zero waste party.

Zero Waste Entertaining Can Be Challenging.

I love throwing parties. I love making food, drinks, inviting over friends and family, there’s just nothing better. When living a zero waste lifestyle, you can’t rely on easy prepackaged food, so entertaining can be challenging.


When you pick a theme, you can streamline, keep things simple, and most importantly, avoid trash! The theme doesn’t have to be crazy. I like to focus on food as the centerpiece because it’s beautiful and edible, a zero waste win all around.

Yellow Wavy Line


Use what the seasons and mother earth has provided you with. I fully believe the most beautiful decorations are decorations from outside like flowers, herbs, twigs, produce, etc. When the event is over they can be composted or eaten.

Yellow Wavy Line

All of my parties have real plates, real cups, real dishes, and even cloth napkins. I know that it can seem daunting, but I promise it actually makes clean up faster. People tend to respect real dishes more and use less of them.


Yellow Wavy Line


You don’t have to go overboard for parties. I always have to pull myself  back because I over buy food, over commit to making too much, make things way more complicated than they have to be. Buy less food than you think you need! You will probably still have leftovers.

Yellow Wavy Line

I opt for wine, beer, things I don’t have to make. If I throw a summer BBQ, sometimes I do like to throw in a delicious and refreshing Sangria, but the base is still wine. Don’t forget non-alcoholic drinks too! I typically opt for tea which I love to buy loose leafed.


Yellow Wavy Line

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