For a vegetarian Thanksgiving, I like to have a showstopping main dish, something that really ties the plate together, and I think both of these options would be a beautiful addition to your menu.
Head of Cauliflower | Flax Meal Nutritional Yeast | Salt Garlic Powder | Onion Powder Parsley | Mustard Powder Turmeric | Smoked Paprika Cumin | Olive Oil | Lemon
Mix all ingredients, then pour half into the cauliflower. Roast with the stalk up for 20 minutes. Turn cauliflower over and rub the remaining mixture on top. Roast an additional 25 minutes. Let cool, slice and serve.
Acorn Squash | Cooked Quinoa Toasted Pecans | Lemon Toasted Cashews | Salt Shitake Mushrooms | Pepper Granny Smilth Apples or Cranberries Fresh Sprigs Of Thyme
Slice the squash in half and scoop out the seeds. Salt the squash and roast for 30 minutes. Sauté the mushrooms and the apples together, and mix in the chopped nuts and quinoa. Scoop the filling into the cooked squash and top with thyme springs.