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31 Day Zero Waste Challenge

31 Day Zero Waste Challenge

Last Updated on January 23, 2024

Last year I created a 31-Day Zero Waste Challenge that was all in video format. You can see the YouTube playlist attached below.

This year, I thought it would be fun, to take that challenge and really flesh it out.

I want to make it insanely comprehensive with blog posts, guide books, videos, even live Q&A’s. If going zero waste is a New Year’s Resolution of yours – this is your one stop shop.

31 Day Zero Waste Challenge from #zerowaste #ecofriendly #gogreen #sustainable #zerowastechallenge #challenge #sustainablelivingchallenge

As all of the blog posts come out, they will be linked here. Consider this the hub for all challenge related information. Every day over the course of the next month, I’ll give you one challenge. I’ll tell you the problem, give you the solution, and have an action item for you to implement.

In addition to this challenge I’ve created some sweet bonuses! So, if you’re just starting out and have 1,000 burning questions you can ask them to me via video chat!

Get access to my private Facebook group, where I’ll be hosting weekly lives throughout the challenge and I answer all of your most pressing questions.

But, first…. I need your help.

I want 1,000s of people joining me on this challenge. I think it’s the perfect time to help get friends and family involved because… living a zero waste lifestyle checks off everyone’s major new years resolutions.

Yep, you’ll be eating healthier and saving money! Seriously, see how I’ve saved over $12,000.

Be sure to share the challenges with your friends and family! Upload an instagram story of you participating in the challenge or share this page on Facebook.

Be sure to tag me on Instagram so I can see and share too!

Alright, without further ado….

ALL of the challenges!

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  1. Hi there, nice blog! I run a ZW collective in Cancun and want to propose the challenge to them. Can you tell me what did you do on day 1? Thank you 🙂

  2. My sister-in-law and I did yourchallnge2 years ago ….we thought that one new challenge daily would be too difficult to implement as a life change so we divided the 30 days up and implemented 2 new ones each months for a year…. I am glad to report that it has become a lifestyle ….

  3. Hi … love the challenge . My sis-in-law did it 2 years ago. We figured that a new challenge daily would be difficult to incorporate into a life style hang so divide it over 12 months implementing 2 every month ….
    I am happy to say it has become a lifestyle now …. always looking to improve although not perfect😁